
Beginning of the end

Another hateful phone call ends abruptly with a click instead of a slam. If we threw our phones like we used to when they plugged into a wall, we would need more insurance than is currently offered. Anger insurance- for when THOSE people call. Those people would most likely include the likes of:  the IRS, the credit card companies who will not take no for an answer, people wanting to give you a cash offer for your home, ex-husbands and absent fathers, and of course the car warranty people.  Of course, there is the standard Oops, I got it wet insurance, and there is the Oh Crap- I left it on top of the car, then drove off insurance. There should be the Damn I dropped my phone on the bathroom tile floor while sitting on the toilet scrolling aimlessly. Then there would also be the Fuck I dropped it into the Porta john at the club insurance, and Ew gross- No I don't care that much for that phone. I will suck it up and buy a new one for $800.  Back to the call. We hung up both probably